Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mercy House - Revisited

Here are some new pics of Mercy House in downtown Dallas where our life group serves once a month. The last time I posted about Mercy House I was a little timid about taking photos, but I was assured this go around that it was quite alright to do so (I still felt a little awkward though). The fancy new artwork was done by some high school students who volunteer nearly every weekend. This is actually a house that Kevin (seen on left) and his wife Karen rent solely for the purpose of reaching the homeless in the area on the weekends. The building is basically a wreck that the owner is waiting to sell to some enterprising developer. Everything else nearby has already been raised.Dan the man delivering the morning devotion. This is where everyone eats. There are 3 tables set up that can squeeze in about 20 people. They have 2 to 3 shifts to get everyone fed. The kitchen is in the back and has room enough for 2 maybe 3 people if you don't move around.

The meal we served.
Our own Ricky Glenn telling it like it is.
This pic looks like it's well intended, but this guy actually has some major OCD issues and had to make sure all the pages of his Bible were in order before he would join the rest of the group. He could probably make some major $$ organizing closets for a living.

Sister Adams at the piano. She has some amazing talent, but can't read music at all. If you can sing it, she can play it - southern gospel style. It's always a joy to be here.

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